1. who is someone male or female that has had a vast impact on your life?
My grandmother is one person who has really helped to shape who I am. She was born in Seattle and was sent with her siblings to live in Japan when her father lost a lot of money in Depression. She lived there through World War II, and afterwards she worked and studied there. She went to get an office job without knowing how to format on a typewriter, but she tried anyway and the person interviewing her gave her a job. While she worked there, so got to eat in the company cafeteria and she stuffed her purse full of food every day to give to her sisters. She also got into what, at the time, was the only college math program for women in Japan. Since coming back to America she has been a strong working woman, mother, and grandmother, who is the matriarch of our family; she constantly reminds us to be proud of who we are and to do our best. She also constantly reminds us that we shouldn't marry someone who isn't good enough for us, and that we deserve the best.
2. What job, if any that you have had has had the most impact on your life?
Over the years, working at a summer camp has totally shaped the way I see the world. When kids come to camp for a week, they are able to say and do things that they might not be comfortable doing in their normal lives with people they see every day. Seeing the joy on their faces as they experience the natural world reminds me that I have that kind of joy when I slow down enough to look around me. I am also moved by the amount of kids who live in insanely difficult and painful circumstances. Camp becomes a vacation from problems that they shouldn't have to face at their age, and it is such an honor to be able to create that space for healing and renewal.
3. if you could tell your 40 year old self one piece of advice, what would it be?
I wish my 40 year old self would give me some advice! I guess I would tell myself that if I haven't learned to trust myself at 40, then I need to quit whatever I'm doing and work on that. Oh, and I'd remind myself to affirm and nurture the awesome single women who are in their 20's and 30's.
4. what do you love most about being female?
I love whenever I am dissatisfied with my body I remember that wide hips are a good thing for a woman to have. Men don't have the childbirth excuse.
5. chocolate or vanilla?
Warm chocolate paired with vanilla ice cream. But if I have to pick one, obviously its chocolate.